In June 2023 ENSHRINE recast its Cultural Landscape Precinct into a Representation for a Local Historic Landscape Precinct under Hobart’s new planning scheme: The Hobart Local Provisions Schedule.

Below find our Representation #181 (in 3 parts), followed by a map and an animated version of the proposed precinct boundary, and below them the subsequent S35 Assessment Report. AT the foot is the Council’s encouraging Resolution effectively acknowledging the Precinct’s merit.

The Representation will be discussed in the Tasmanian Planning Commission on July 9.

Representation on Hobart’s Local Provisions Schedule

Click image to open Introductory letter

Click cover image to open Datasheet

Click cover image to open report

Precinct Mapping

Boundary map showing Hobart Municipal boundary and the (southern) adjoining Fern Tree Cultural Landscape Precinct.

Above: 4 minute video animating the layers of local historic heritage that informed the boundary.

S35 Representation Report

Our Representation was externally assessed by ERA Consulting in February 2024.

HCC Council Resolution

File Ref: F24/18156 Hobart’s Planning Committee made its support for the Precinct concrete.

Bernard Lloyd