Heritage listing for kunanyi/Mt Wellington nipaluna/Hobart lutruwita/Tasmania
a landscape for working
“The remains of the early convict-era forestry camps, which dot the Mountain’s slopes, are probably the best preserved of their kind in the nation in that they exist still within living forests, and have been assessed as of High state significance.”
— Cultural Historians of Tasmania
“The Mountain Landscape Precinct has historic cultural heritage significance ... for its potential to contribute to the understanding of important aspects of Hobart’s heritage including: 3. Remains of 19th century resource exploitation in their natural setting, including ice-collection, water supply and peri-urban timber-getting since the early days of Hobart.
These remains are important in the economic history of Hobart, and for their potential to contribute important information about how and where these activities were conducted.”
— Angela McGowan 'Datasheet for a Mountain Local Historic landscape precinct' 2023