Lia teruttena/6 LESSER FALLS
Fairy Falls
A delicate waterfall on a tributary to the Hobart Rivulet east of the Betts Vale track. The falls were not well-known in historical times and there is no track to them.
turikina truwala/Oakes Falls

Formerly Myrtle Gully Falls in Myrtle Gully named in honour of a Cascade ranger. Its Aboriginal name is turikina truwala. WPHH0223.
Secret Falls

The track alongside these falls was opened in 1931 and for some, Secret Falls in Myrtle Gully is the most beautiful of the Hobart Rivulet falls. Their grotto-like surrounds easily making up for their diminutive stature. Previously known as Roaring Falls.
Victoria Falls
At the top of North West Bay River, but there’s no track.
Glenorchy Falls
Glenorchy Falls is situated on Humphrey’s Rivulet and was quite popular in early postcards. It is still accessible from the top of Chapel St.
Myrtle Forest Falls
A little-known cascade near Collinsvale, 1 kilometre in from the Myrtle Forest Car Park. A viewing platform looks down on the lower falls and a little further up is the main waterfall tier flowing gently down a 5-metre face.