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Turana Pallapoirena/Snow

What is the meaning of those two snowy graphemes S and T in the fur snow on the brim of the Mountain’s snow cap?

Not much. The meaning of S and T were a momentary question in 1882, but the appearance of the snow is very different and is deeply important to those who live in its view.

Like the first cherry blossom in every province of Japan— “Spring is here!”—is the first snowflake falling on the Mountain—”Winter has come!” The first Settle. The first frolicsome snowball fight. The first fall heavy enough for standing snow-beings on car bonnets. The first dump that paints the road white, grooming it into a ski run. The only dismay amongst the people is for the children of Fern Tree and Colinsvale because snow inevitably means no getting to school that day. How sad they are not. Has any Hobart child ever prayed it would snow tonight so they did not have to go to school tomorrow?

The landscape-altering effect of snow sends an agitating chill down the spines of Hobartians and up they go. TV news cameras and reporters have followed them as high as they can for as long as there have been photographs in newspapers. It is news every year.

The generally increasingly accurate long range weather prediction has eliminated some surprises, (though news of snowfall has always travelled far and wide instantaneously) reaching that snowlike, slurping that heavy stout’s froth down the rim of a tankard, playing in that mantle of fur has always been a Significant Temptation.

The appearance of snow is a herald, but it is now the disappearance of snow that concerns us, making its ever-less frequent appearances more cherished.